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  It is with horror that I have been observing what’s happening to people as they pursue the perfect body, both in and out of Pakistan. The latest trends in dieting seem to be designed to inflict as much punishment on the human body as possible: you can follow the Atkins diet, where you must eat all proteins and no carbohydrates. This means you can go on holiday and load your breakfast plate with eggs, sausages, and all sorts of sweetbreads, but will probably be checking into the coronary unit by evening time.
      Let’s not forget the impact that cutting out carbohydrates can have on your mental well-being: you will lose the sense of relaxation and happiness that carbohydrates give you and instead become nasty, snarling, and bad-tempered, but very, very thin. In case this appeals to you, consider carefully the case of an athlete who followed a high-protein diet, suffered an uncontrollable attack of rage, beat up three people and crashed his car, and finally had to be both jailed and hospitalized to get his body fat levels back to normal again.
     On the other hand, if you really can’t bear to give up your desserts and pastas, you can always opt for surgical intervention and have all your body fat liposuctioned out. In this case, you start by checking into the hospital, endure an unspeakable amount of gruesome torture with scalpels, vacuums, and other medical devices, and then go off on holiday to show off your newly sculpted body, if you survive the anesthesia, the pain following the surgery, and the shock of seeing yourself covered in multicolored bruises and swellings directly after the procedure. Next>