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- Bina Shah is a member of the Wellesley College Class of 1993.
When Revolution Studios announced the making of “Mona Lisa Smile”, starring Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, and Maggie Gyllenhaal and set at Wellesley College, the news greatly excited the student body, faculty and administration, and the alumnae of the College. Everyone hoped that the movie would showcase not just the spectacular Wellesley campus, but also the incredible spirit that makes Wellesley one of the top academic institutions in the United States, and arguably the world. Although the movie was set in the 1950s, a time when American society required women to perform primarily as wives, mothers, and homemakers, Wellesley had always had wider expectations of its students, challenging them to excel in academics, sports, the arts, and in community service. Wellesley was different from other “girls’ colleges”; it was special because it recognized its students as intelligent, capable women from the very beginning.
      Wellesley College administrators allowed the use of the Wellesley name and campus as the name was in the public domain, and since the campus is a source of pride for the Wellesley community, it was better to allow the actual campus rather than some other campus being filmed and then called “Wellesley”. No one can dispute, looking at the finished product, that the scenes of the College itself are indeed fantastic. The movie included beautiful shots of Severance Hill, which was the site of sledding during the winter, the Galenstone Tower, from where the carillon chimed out lovely tunes on gorgeous New England days, Next>