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Bina Shah reminds us that every year we swear that this year’s summer is more scorching and unbearable than it was the previous year.

If you live in Karachi you will undoubtedly have your own individual opinion on the city’s worst trait. Some people think the garbage is the most disagreeable thing about Karachi while others throw their hands up in dismay at the city’s never ending sectarian violence. Others detest Karachi traffic, and others believe that the city’s soaring crime rate is the most deplorable thing.
      I am in the camp, however of those who believe that the worst thing about Karachi is its heat. And not just any kind of heat --- the kind of relentless, unending heat that could probably be used as a tortune instrument at Abu Garib prison, if they could only figure out how to bottle it and ship it cheaply to Iraq.  
     At least with the garbage, the traffic, the sectarianism and the crime, you can blame someone else, assuming a morally superior position that your fellow Karachites are at fault for every thing while you are the city’s Mother Teresa.
      However, when the mercury has been over 40 degrees Centigrade for two weeks, there is no being you can blame except nature.
      Nobody can arrest the sun because it shines too strongly, or challan the breeze because it refused to blow for 10 days in a row. The weather is notoriously out of our control, unless you believe in global warming,in which case it’s your own fault for running four air conditioners and Next>